Call to participate

2025 call prix russolo

Since its creation in 1979, the Russolo Award explores new sonic territories opened by the interfacing research of the composer, painter and metaphysician Luigi Russolo (1885-1947). A key figure of the musical revival of the twentieth century, Luigi Russolo became famous in 1913 with his manifesto The Art of Noises, which develops the idea that all sounds, especially those from the industrial world, have their place in musical orchestration. It will move from theory to practice by developing many sound machines like the famous:
• Noisemakers/Intonarumori / Bruiteurs
• Rumorharmonium/Russolophone,
and invent noise music, foreshadowing the concrete and electronic music. From the start Russolo seek to reach higher states of consciousness through images or sounds, it is within this context that the Prix Russolo opens its field of research, from this 33rd edition, to all acousmatic or electronic music making visible or audible the immaterial in this double movement of materialization of the spirit and spiritualization of matter.
From propositions received, 7 selected works will be presented from July to December 2025 in several cities where the audience will vote for Prix Russolo award. The winner will be communicated during the last Prix Russolo concert.
Kind of Music:
Trash & rubish music, Musique Concrète, Art acousmatique, sound error, noise music, Bruitisme, PK-UFO music…
Rules “Very Easy”
Before 31st of March 2025
Please send your music file wave to
+ PDF Music Description
+ PDF CV – Resume
Duration < 10 mn
The previous winners can’t participate
Only one work by participants

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