2022, Diago Ratto

Diego Ratto was born on January 14, 1988, in Alessandria (Italy). Musician and Composer, he graduated from “A.Vivaldi” Music Conservatory in Alessandria (IT) with a Bachelor’s Degree in Electroacoustic Music (with Gustavo Delgado and Matteo Franceschini) in 2017, in Jazz Guitar (with Pino Russo and Paolo Silvestri) in 2016 and in Music Therapy in 2014.

He graduated from KMH - Royal College of Music (Stockholm) with a Master’s
Degree in Electroacoustic Composition under the guidance of William Brunson in
2019. He is currently a PhD student in Music Composition at the University of California
Santa Barbara (UCSB), with Professors João Pedro Oliveira and Curtis Roads.
He has been awarded with the following prizes: Golden Lala Awards 2020
(Poznan, PL), Sound of Silences - Edison Studio / Romaeuropa Festival 2020
(Rome, IT), Musicworks Magazine Electronic Music Contest 2020 (Toronto, CAN),
Wocmat 2018 International Phil Winsor Computer Music Competition (Taiwan),
Rimusicazioni Film Festival 2018 (Bolzano, IT), Residency Prix CIME 2017 -
International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music, Electroacoustic Contest
EFME 2016 (Santa Fe, RA).

His compositions have been also selected and performed at:
REF Festival 2021(Foggia, IT), Centre International d’Art Contemporain 2021 (Château de Carros, FR), NYCEMF 2021 (NewYork, USA), Espacios Sonoros 2020 (Argentina), Hot Air Music Festival 2020 (San Francisco, USA), Anamorphosis International Film Festival (Lecce, Italy), Bushwick Open Studios 2019 (New York, USA), SICMF Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2019 (Seoul, south Korea), WSU ElectroAcousticMiniFest RSV (Pullman, USA), Sound Thought 2018 (Glasgow, UK), Audio Art 2018 (Krakòw, PL), WOCMAT 2018 (Hsinchu, TWN), Musicacoustica- Beijing CIME-ICEM 2018 (Beijing, RC), EMUfest 2017 (Roma, IT), MA/IN 2017 - MAtera INtermedia festival (Matera, IT), MusicLab 2017 and 2018 (Mexico City, MEX), Acousmatic Premiere Performance Competition - TEM (Udine, IT), RMN Music Label (London, UK), Diffrazioni Festival 2016 (Firenze, IT). June 2018, artistic residency at ICST - Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology - (Zhdk) in Zurich.


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