Eduardo Palacio (1978), (Mexico)
composer born in Mexico in 1978. He began his studies at CIEM (Centers for Research and Musical Studies), obtaining a certificate from Trinity College in London – England.
Later, he moved to Paris - France, where he obtained certificates in instrumental composition from the Conservatoire International de Musique de Paris and in electroacoustic composition (Jury: Daniel Teruggi and Ivo Malec) from the Conservatoire du Val Maubuée, with the support of the FONCA (National Fund for Culture and the Arts – Aid for studies abroad).
He has produced various creations for concerts both in France and Mexico, including presentations at the INA/GRM (National Audiovisual Institute/Musical Research Group) and at the MOTUS (Musical Company dedicated to the promotion of the arts sound and the production of acousmatic, mixed and instrumental concerts) in France, RADIO UNAM and at MUAC in Mexico.
He worked on the musical production and sound design of theatrical works, notably the play “The Last Day of a Convict” by Victor Hugo, with the theater company L’Eolienne / Paris-France.
And the physical theater works “Dios Mío” and “Entrecruzamientos” by Shanti Oyarzabal, (member of SNCA de FONCA), with the Teatro Inercia company, presentations: Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris, Teatro Julio Jiménez Rueda, Teatro Raúl Flores Canelo and Teatro De La Danza (Forest Cultural Center) – CDMX.
2015: Awarded at the SONOM International Sound Art Festival – Oaxaca.
2016 / 2018: It is scheduled in Buenos Aires – Argentina and Brazil, as part of the International Electroacoustic Music Show – MUSLAB. Finalist in the EFME Electroacoustic Music Competition of the Higher Institute of Music of Santa Fe – Argentina.
Participates as a scholarship holder in Visiones Sonoras 12 – International Festival of Music and New Technologies, of CMMAS – Mexican Center of Music and Sound Arts – Morelia.
2018: Entry into the National System of Art Creators (SNCA) of FONCA (National Fund for Culture and the Arts).
2018 / 2020: Selected to be part of IN-SONORA 10 and 11, Sound and Interactive Art Exhibition / Madrid – Spain. His piece “Dimensioni in crescendo” won second prize in the 11th Electroacoustic Composition Competition 2018 of the Fundación Destellos – Argentina.
Scheduled at the Futura Festival / MOTUS association – France.
2019: Guest artist at Visiones Sonoras 14 – International Festival of Music and New Technologies, CMMAS – Mexican Center of Music and Sound Arts.
His multichannel work “Cycle and rupture” is programmed in Barcelona – Spain, at the Phonos creation center by El Sindicato de Loudspeakers.
Curation/Production/Presentation – Concert / MUAC (University Museum of Contemporary Art) – CDMX. (Work supported by FONCA).
2020: Winner of the Luigi Russolo Prize 2019 – France / International. (Concerts 2019/2020: France, Greece, Slovakia, Ireland, Scotland, Japan, Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, Russia and Prague).
His work Frac>Tal_3 received an honorable mention at the Sound Spaces Festival of the Hertzbreakerz association – Sweden.
Finalist in the Electroacoustic Music Competition:
SIMEC 2020 – Association Univers Sonores Parallèles – France / International.
XIIIth International Composition Competition Città di Udine – 2020 – Italy / International.
Programmed by Fabbrica del Vapore at Contemporary Music Hub / Milan – Italy.
Scheduled at the Contemporanea Agorà festival of TEM Tukay Edizioni Musicali, Udine – Italy.
Selected to be part of the Sonora Transversal Festival / Sonidos en Diálogo, Argentina – Colombia.
Selected to be part of the REA MX Mexico acoustic ecology network.
Selected to be part of the CICM International Computer Music Conference 2021 / Santiago – Chile.